World Leprosy Day 2021

Today is World Leprosy Day 2021 . This day is observed to increase awareness of the disease which, according to the World Health Organisation, nearly 600 people are diagnosed with everyday. Part of Lalgadh Hospital’s work is to create prosthetic limbs and to make specialist footwear for those affected. To donate to NLT click here.

Lalgadh Hospital Footwear development. Photo: E. Thomas ©NLT Ireland 
Lalgadh Hospital Footwear Department. Photo: E. Thomas ©NLT Ireland    

Nepal Leprosy Trust seeks external evaluator

NLT Ireland seeks an external consultant to evaluate the Village Alive Project (VAP) in south-eastern Nepal.  This is a three-year participatory community development project focused on five Dalit villages. VAP is an outreach programme of NLT Nepal’s Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital and Services Centre and is part funded by Irish Aid.

The purpose of the end-line evaluation is to assess project performance in relation to activities, outputs, outcome and impact indicators. The evaluation will be conducted in July or early August 2021 and involves travel to eastern Nepal.

The expected output is an evaluation report with recommendations for future projects, to be submitted by September 2021. For further details, email Vera at Application closing date 1st March 2021.
